The Travelers Rest Chiropractor

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Category Archives: Neck pain

Why Didn’t Somebody Tell Me This Before?

Neck Pain And Chiropractic

Have you ever tried to balance a 10-15 pound bowling ball on the finger tips of just one hand?

Well that is what your neck (cervical spine) does all day, 24/7/, 365 days a year.

Your neck and shoulder muscles work very hard holding up your head. Your neck, or cervical spine, is made up of seven vertebra that must be in the proper position or relationship to each other for them to work correctly and efficiently. A structural misalignment of even the tiniest amount can cause muscle pain and discomfort, this is one of the main causes of headaches. This misalignment can put pressure, either directly or indirectly, on the nerves exiting the spinal cord at the affected level. Doctors of Chiropractic call this a Subluxation.

Some over-the-counter and prescribed pain relievers might dull the pain, but they ignore the underlying cause!

Chiropractors see this sort of thing all the time. It’s almost routine. Chiropractic care has a long history of producing excellent benefits with those suffering from neck pain. And we do it naturally, without dangerous drugs or risky, dangerous, surgery.

Chiropractors get great results with many types of neck pain. 

At Kolarik Family Chiropractic we specialize in reducing interference to the nervous system in the neck. Many of our patients find that chiropractic care gives them relief from neck and shoulder complaints.

Call our office at 395-9487  to schedule a no-obligation consultation and find out if you’re a good candidate for today’s safe and natural chiropractic care.

Visit Kolarik Family Chiropractic for more information, and be sure to subscribe to our “Travelers Rest Health And Wellness Newsletter”.

Dr. Kolarik practices in Travelers Rest, South Carolina, SC, at Kolarik Family Chiropractic. offering affordable individual plans and family plans making wellness chiropractic available to all.